Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Fergie Knocked Up?

Isn't this bitch too old ot be having kids? Someone that knows someone else that works on Fergie's plastic surgery said that she's only a couple of weeks . . and she's already bragging ..

Well, lets just hope the baby does come out with the same "complextion" as Fergie and her white(*shocking* I know, right?) boyfriend. . . .

I can't really imagine her being pregnant .. I mean who's gonna take her place. . since she's taking Gwen Stefani's place as the token white girl?? OH I ALMOST FORGOT!!!

Pam Anderson!!!

awwwww thaaaatss riiiiggghhttt!!!

I almost forgot this bitch is fucking her way up to the top of urban mountain!!

~see that bitch is really good, I almost forgot she was white~

Well good luck with that, I wouldn't be surpised if Kevin"I really like black women"Federline dump'd Brittney"da baby beater" Spears for Pam "Kanye" Anderson .. . . It wouldn't be all that shocking .. they'll look GREAT together.. don't you think??