Thursday, August 04, 2005

Brad-Big Lips

Well. If they dont want to admit that they're a couple, Then I guess this should help. You know you're in love when you eat together at the IHOP and fly a jet for breakfast. Oh yeh, Brad Pitt ordered French toast for breakfast, while his girlfriend Jolie got pancakes and bacon.

Nicole Feeling Fab . .

But looks like Mighty Mouse.

Ms. Kim Stewart

We here at DDCW love Kim. . . Well until we find some dirt on her. But what hasn't been said that we dont already know.

She's a whore.
Her dad likes to wear Spandex underwear.
She likes to be called Paris Hilton in public.
She can't model that well.
Her credit cards are never valid at Saks.

See, these are some things that we already know. Maybe she's just a boring person.

Looking Homeless

I think this is how poor people should dress.