Sunday, January 08, 2006

King of Blogs

This will be my 1st year entering the "BLOGGIES" which I hear is serious business . . and I WANT YOU TO VOTE FOR ME!!!!
I know my small but "entertaining" of a blog isnt much in the global world of the internet, but to even have my name mentioned on the fucking website would do me justice. I want to win for YOU guys and also, ME!!!!

SO VOTE FOR "The Daily Diary of CamVanDam" a.k.a. "The Daily Diary of Cameron Woods".

You can only nominate me (3) times in different catagories, (4) including "Best Blog of the Year" (which would be a sign from god himself if I were to win)

Here's the link I HOPE I WIN(or just get nominated)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » » »