Tasteless rumours on Remy Ma. . . . Everybody is saying that she's going to G-Unit. . . I sure hope so, cuz she's a diamond in the ruff. . . I mean, she's no Foxy Brown. . nor Lil Kim. . nor Charli Baltimore .. nor Missy Elliott. . nor Trina. . . . Khia perhaps???
Then, everybody is saying she's a dyke. .I don't think so, she's a bit ruff.. . .We know that for sure. . but just cuz she piss standing up and has a hairy chest doesn't mean she's gay. . ITS WUTEVA.
Anyway, she's just being Remy. . or Rem. Buy the album
I like her style. . Let that fat hang !!!!
judging by that pic, remy needs a serious-ass tummy tuck....ewwwwwww.....
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