I know, I know, Cam your SOOOOOO LAATTE. well. .. I don't give a fuck about NBA star's and their wives until some golddigga writes a tell all book about them . . I kinda sorta dislike Kobe's wife. ..Is she latina?? mexican?? Puerto Rican?? I dnt even know this chicks name...let's call her AyPapi!Okay. . Kobe Bryant is seen here with his very prego wife AyPapi! . . They look happy. .. I think. . Kobe hasn't been on the news for raping white girls in a good while . . . . .I can only imagine that their doing ok. But You guys. . I see a DIVORCE coming really soon. I mean think about it. . .
He slept with a ugly fat white girl . . .
AyPapi! forgives Kobe for fucking a fat ugly white girl. . ..
He buys his wife a GIANT canary ring . . . .
She doesn't divorce him. . .
She decides to make him suffer. . .
By staying with him through thick n thin ..
and getting knocked up for the 2nd time. .
Now She's seen EVERYWHERE with him . ..
I give them til . . ..X-mas of this year. . . TRUST ME.. .Its gonna get ugly. . .
She's gonna sue him for all he's got. . and he's gonna play basketball to support his now 2 kids(which means extra money) and his suffering wife AyPapi!
Life is so lovely when your married to money.