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Today was the first day of school. My little sis had saw her first high school fight.(freshman) I saw a bunch of old friends and Freniemies. I saw a bunch of new people.(very cute)
I can't believe that I was nervous to get back into school. It was totally harmless.(for now)On Sunday I watched the Roast of Pam Anderson. Thought it was cool. Mad because they were slamming Tommy Lee's dick size and talked badly about black people. Courtney Love stole the show for me. Maybe she should be added to the cast of Real World to bring some ratings.

I got some pictures of the red carpet. You be the judge . . . . I dont like Paris's new do. Its too 60's pop.
Well, I hate both " We belong together" and "Shake it Off". So, I don;'t really care that much about this pic.
I can't belive the Harajuka Girls let her sport this number on the red carpet. How Gay!!! Anyway, I hate this all white L.A.M.B. outfit. its not FIEEEERRRRCCCEEEDDD!!!
OMG!!! I hate her for this. She's usually in my opinion best dressed. But I guess since she went to a Heatherette Party she's also lossed her touch.
Trainwreck walking. . . . . . . Im not about to get into this with her.
OH. yea. this chick. I don't really like her. She really believes money can't buy her happiness. Even if it is Billions. Yeah right. . . ..
Gwen performing my favorite song by her "Hollaback" Girl. . . Looking very Japanese.