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Ashlee Simpson is dating the kid with the "Hair" again. Or I think guess so. . . . . . I guess she needs some kind of inspiration for her new album. Lets just hope she skips anything live, or taped. Look at that dumbass look on his face!!
OMG!! Mary Kate has no ass!!!
Here's a pic of Nicole Richie walking on the beach. Just looking crazy for the paparazi. I wonder if shes a reader of the DDCVD??
I think I'm stuck in 1976 or something. I've been saying stupid shit like "Groovy" and "Cut me some slack Jack". . . . . Im feel so o o o o o o o o uncool when I slip and say dumb shit like this. LOL. Anyway, here's Jack "Awesome-bourne" (maybe. . . . okay . . . . no) Leaving a club. He looks cool. Im happy he's getting laid more often.

Madonna .. . . Getting older. Her Daughter . . . . next Madonna. I can see it now . . . on TRL in the year 2020. LOVES IT!!
GROSS!!! Tara looks soooo nasty!! its soooo gross to me. Its like her skin doesnt fit or something. Ew.
This is a old Mug Shot of Kim. She looked really fine back then. Im not even gonna clown her on this one.
Someone (Kristin Dunst) said that I was "god" and got locked up for being sooooo right. lol.
Im sooooo tired of seeing A-List celebs look like fools. But if it wasnt for them, I wouldn't be here. Anyway, Nicole Richie started this trend to be thin. Now she's moved over to accessories. Bug-Eyed glasses are in and 2-Tone colors are out. Here are some famous bitches that look like flies. :)