Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The "Hmmm . . Moment of the Day"

Charlize usually comes out looking "super bitch'n" .. .but it looks like Galliano just wrapped her up and stapled a big ass bow on her shoulder. . . Now don't get me wrong. . I love Galliano. . and Charlize .. .but this dress was too hard to for ME to digest . .. I dont want to clown on it. . .

So I'ma gonna jump on the "Queen of Anorexic Chic" Nicole Richie. . .

Okay, she's thin . .. like a flesh version of a "stick person" . . we all know this .. so, why hasnt she given us a "straight" answer??

I mean YEAH, we know you were on drugs, we know that was one of the MAJOR reasons why you were chubby. .. But I never new you were so thin. .. I mean .. not THIS thin. .

C'mon Nicole. . do it for me!!!! Tell us something!! I mean, you lost your Green M&M endorsment to Pamela Anderson .. . WTF!!!!

And I hate to say it. . . but your letting Paris win . . .she's still a slut, but people have grown to love it. . . and people have grown to love Tara Reid's fucked up boob job . . .

So this is my plea to Ms. Richie. . eat some McDonalds . . a "big mac" or two . . .you cant go wrong. . ..