Another editon of "CVD's GhostWritahz" wit my girl Lariza!!!! I think she's getting tha hang of things . . I think she's after my job yall . . . . anway here you go. . . .
"One fine motherfucker!!!
Terrence Howard is nominated for an oscar for Hustle and Flow (Great Movie).. How fucking awesome is that??
Finally, the man has a nomination.. It's about fucking time with his fine ass. I congratulate him on his looks and his talent.
The man is gorgeous and I'm on him like a fur coat. I will be not watching all of the Oscars cuz it's soo freaking boring..
Don't want to be pulling on my short jerry curled hair for hours watching this boring as show. But as soon as the category that his is in comes up.
I will be tuned like a motherfucka. Yea, Boy!! I'm Lariza and its been my fucking pleasure... Uno* "
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