Diddy and the openly gay fashion designer Zac Posen????
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ... . .. . .
Its prolly nothing but friendship tide with business .. . . or maybe . . . they're just
Eurrrrrrthing from Fashion talk, Celebs Making a FOOL of themselves, and New Music (dont worry, im Beyonce free. . unless she does something i like which is rare)
I dont like her anymore, she has lost a WHOLE lotta rank with me, seriously. I thought it was black history month . .
And I dont wanna come off as aMalcolm X or anything. . but . .is this picture a bit "racist" and "stereotypical"???
From a look at this picture. . . . I'm starting to believe Karrine's sotry. . .that silly bitch. I cant believe Tigger would do something like this. . . lol.