Saturday, January 07, 2006

D&G Answers Prayers

I've always wanted to know what would a popular cell phone and a big fashion label would do if they crossed paths. .. . . Versace failed with Nokia, Betsey Johnson puked all over Virgin Mobile and now D&G has designed the best looking Motorola Raz'r phone I've ever seen with my very own two eyes. Its the hottest shit out, and I cant wait to see it . . .. . at Wal-Mart. Only 1,00o exist and its gonna run you around $2,000. cheap. If your lucky you can find the so called "Chanel Raz'r" phone on Ebay, but thats just a myth.

To all of you over-masterbating,studdering, anime porn watching GEEKS out there, I know this is old news, so stop emailing me you puss face cum sluts.(said with love)