Not only does Andy Warhol and myself share the same birthday, but they're making a movie staring Guy Pierce as Andy and Sienna Miller as Edie Sedwick called "Factory Girl". somewhat of a bioflim of the beautiful Edie Sedwick in her prime. I think she died from a drug overdose or something (like every white person did in New York during that time) . . . . I'm not quite sure . .
but yeah, its gonna be a great flim not because some of the "surviving" proteges of Warhol will make cameo's, but because Jimmy Fallon is in it . . . yep. he's in the fucking movie. .. Why does Hollywood have to add "corny" american characters to movies that could win Emmy's? I mean, if Jimmy Fallon wasnt in "Taxi" with Queen Latifah, it would have been bigger than Lord of the Rings or something.
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