Maybe its not all about the money, or fame. Because at this very moment he has nothing to lose. So, I guess to get his name in the papers "Raz B" of B2K is gonna perform at the Bay Area Gay Pride thingy on August 20th.
Its gonna be on the tele and trust me . . . I will have screen caps for you all. In my opinion, I think its a great opportunity for him to break the ice on B2K. I mean, he tried to get them back together. . . He tried to Un-Divatized Omarion. . . . and nothing has happened. I predict, around Christmas time of this year. . . . One of the Ex-members of B2K will be writing a tell all book about EVERYTHING.
How do you explain those pics of them being extremely gay in a Orlando Hotel. . . ? Did you know that it is some identical pics that are about 5 years old of the group IMX (Immature)??
Did you know that B2K's manager Chris Stokes has also managed Marques Houston of IMX and the fact that he gave Houston the idea of posing nude for Playgirl Magazine??? (O, and that's really in the works as we speak. He got a $2 Million deal for the future layout a couple of weeks ago)
OMG!! I don't know . . . It seems asif Chris Stokes is playing a whole lotta roles in this drama. Im not gonna call him a perv yet, but someone will pretty soon.
Yeah, their real.
Dude, yo site is supa crazy.
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