Friday, July 15, 2005

Baby Racist Fag

Did you guys see that episode of Punk'd with that really bitchy white boy? Jesse something..?? Well, I don't like him. I never liked him. He acts tooo girlie, ya know. Anyway, he was talking about how he could have taken the black guy out in the street. WTF? what size is his balls because if he ever talk to me that way, I'd fuck him up instantly.I mean, what can he do Judo, Tae Kwon Do?? But then, when a bunch of angry rednecks and latino bikers come running out he goes and hide in his mini limo. Maybe I should do a GGW Pop Star Edition. I wouldn't have to look deep for those facts. Mario Cantone said it best "If he can sing he's a Faaaaaaaaaaag", "If he can dance he's a Dancing Faaaaaaggot"!! Trust me, I hate using this term but, ah, what the hell
P.S.: I didn't even know he was on the WB. Ha! He can't act either, he's such an ugly kid. damn!.