The former clubkid of the NYC nightlife scene will be released soon. He's been telling all of his friends different dates so nobody knows actually when he'll be getting out. Shit, he may be out right now. Michael was a club promoter gone retard-o when he got addicted to drugs. He killed a homo-drug dealer by chopping up his body in a bath-tub and disposing the pieces in a box. It was tons of scandal, but not about the murder of course. Basically, he was tricked into getting someone else busted and got himself locked up when he was sober. He had a cult and he gave them geeky names. it was all about fun and drugs, or what his "followers may call" glamour,glitter and blood. Most of the clubkids are either dead because of an overdose or denying the fact that they did drugs. Like, hmmm..... Richie Rich. Someone who was so-called "Alig's assistant". he was a "nurse" at plenty of those hardcore parties Michael had. his job was to give out "prescriptions" to little kids that wore torn up dresses and make-up. Sadly, he's a clothing designer that creates horrible dresses and wearable trashy garbage for celebrity photoshoots. I have to give it to him, he's making major cash off of scraps of cotton and spray-paint. He claims he never "did" any drugs his whole time in NYC. Okay, you where around drugs, you gave out drugs and all of your friends were on drugs... Right, you never "did" drugs, you just did them. I totally understand.
Best regards from NY! » » »
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