Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Lil Kim FOR CamVanDam

we have a new muse ..Lil Kim!! yay!!
Now, we didnt dump Omahyra, we're just putting her on ice for now. . Lil Kim is the perfect chick for CVD.blogspot.com. . she's Crunk, she's fresh 2 death, and she's a BITCH. .
Now, since I dropped the new "face" of CVD. . . .
Your wondering . . whats next???
Well it will be the new look. . and possible new "location" of the site. . BUT thats a maybe. .. its all coming REAL SOON!!
I can't wait

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Hey EVERYBODY!!! I'm sorry for being a little bitch and not post any news or any banners for updates. . . but i've been REALLY BUSY!!!

I just got accepted in a fashion school (yay!) and i've been writing letters, and having interviews, all that junk!! so, i PROMISE really soon. . . . I will have a MAJOR UPDATE for the site. . . I know, i know. .. "you always say your gonna comeback with a Major Update, and its the same ol' same ol' .. " well bitches, I'm coming back with a new look for the site, new topics, more fashion tips and looks for you Camcaine heads, and more DRAMA!! Cuz my fan base is GROWING FAST. . and I want the best for my addicts . .

Til then. . .

Major Update (April, 2)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The "Hmmm Moment of The Day"

Will we ever see this?

Grostky Little B'otch

Why is it that some nasty, poor drugged up white trash always crash an eventful ceremony?? I mean, if its not Courtney Love. . then its Steve-O. . . .

He pissed on the red carpert at the Oscars . . and stripped! Showed everyone his little penis and sourballs. . . I'm so disgusted with him . . He's like the gayest dude on the block now.

Tyra . .. Big Head Ass Ho!!


The 1st episode of the new season of America's Next Top Model. . . ALL of the models will go BALD!!!! watch it Weds/March 8, 2006 .

UPN should pay me, hell I didnt have to give out the day it was premire'n . . .bitches.

The "Hmmm . . Moment of the Day"

Charlize usually comes out looking "super bitch'n" .. .but it looks like Galliano just wrapped her up and stapled a big ass bow on her shoulder. . . Now don't get me wrong. . I love Galliano. . and Charlize .. .but this dress was too hard to for ME to digest . .. I dont want to clown on it. . .

So I'ma gonna jump on the "Queen of Anorexic Chic" Nicole Richie. . .

Okay, she's thin . .. like a flesh version of a "stick person" . . we all know this .. so, why hasnt she given us a "straight" answer??

I mean YEAH, we know you were on drugs, we know that was one of the MAJOR reasons why you were chubby. .. But I never new you were so thin. .. I mean .. not THIS thin. .

C'mon Nicole. . do it for me!!!! Tell us something!! I mean, you lost your Green M&M endorsment to Pamela Anderson .. . WTF!!!!

And I hate to say it. . . but your letting Paris win . . .she's still a slut, but people have grown to love it. . . and people have grown to love Tara Reid's fucked up boob job . . .

So this is my plea to Ms. Richie. . eat some McDonalds . . a "big mac" or two . . .you cant go wrong. . ..

Kate Monroe

"Cocaine can bring out the best and worst in a bitch"-CVD

Kate Moss finding(found) her inner Marilyn Monroe in this shoot.. These are the best photographs i've seen in a loooonnngg tiiimmmee from Kate!!!

(Keep up the fucking great work)

I wonder who did the shots???

I wish she and David La(my idol) could do a page or three in I-D Magazine . .. It would be sooo crazy/beautiful.

You are a CVD All Star Kate Moss . . . Live it up like one!!

Together Again Pt.2

Nicole Richie and her not so rich boy toy DJ AM does a little "meet and greet" in L.A. .. I sure hope she stays with this dude, what the fuck was she thinking hooking up with Steve-O??
(ohhh druuuugggs .OMG, I like almost forgot about those)

does she have time for a little kiss?? hmmm yeah . ..

how about a hug?? Umm . .sure. . I guess so .. .

How a bout a little "bleep" here, a little "whoo whoo" there? No?? . . . . No time for . . . little awakening?? no??. . . okay . .

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Do You Get It?/

3 Fake Bitches


If your wondering whats "fake" then I have really BIG news. . . . Paris Hilton has not one but TWO look alikes. ..

thats how she gets around to do all of her duties ... . .

One has been going to fashion week, another celebrating a birthday(the real one) and another shooting another reality show. . .
based on her life as the fake Paris Hilton.. .

I think the bitch is too smart to be a blonde. . and is ALL about milking this stereotypical world for ALL of its cash!!


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Halle For Versace

She's looking professional. . .. not "acting" like a model . . no dead eyes . . but she could've went without the "wide mouth" shot. . overall very good. She could hit the runway. . . lets just hope she doesnt turn to coke for comfort.

Madonna's Face Job

LaRiza V.S. Madonna
Ok, So I'm beginning to think that Madonna had face surgery.. I don't know how many but she has had them. If you look at before and after picture..there is a difference in both of them. Guess no one in hollywood want to accept the wrinkles huh??
The song is off the hook. I really like Madonna...especially... the old school Madonna. That was my bitch. Now she's all aged up and grown as hell. I want to know exactly when do a woman stop dressing up soo umm what's the word? dressing in body suits. I thought those were out.
Madonna you look good but ummm I don't know.. I kinda of don't want to see your extra skin in your video. You're still a fucking great awesome , though...but cover up just a little bit. I rather have you dress up like you do in your Versace ads...(hope I'm right about the designer)
Well, folks those are my thoughts for the day until then see ya later (salutes)
NOTE FROM CAM:Even though this pic is a before and after "photoshopped" she still looks like she's a couple of appointments late on her face life.

Good Gwen, Bad Gwen

Gwen, I love her. . . . She's great in her own way. . I cant wait to here the next album. . I WISH she had someone else design L.A.MB. . . . but whatever. . (oooooh its her shit, its her shit) She looks great all the time, the best M.I.LF. i've ever saw.

. . EXCEPT FOR THE GRAMMYS . . She looks like she tripped and fell half way into someone's bong.


Well, Lindsay is cool with me. . but in this pic???NO!!! She looks borderline Nicole Richie . .. I mean. . look at her shoulders ..Now her arms. .. See it?? . Kinda Anorexic right?? Since she recently got back with Wilma I think we're going to see a "happier version" of her. .

Cause we all know, Jared Leto almost made her a borderline dyke. .. I mean don't get me wrong, I KNOW Lindsay adores cock, but she was a bit butch towards the paparazi . . spitting at them, flippin them off. ..Come to think of it. . who's nice to those fags anyway?

Together Again

Paris and Nicole are reunited for the 4th season of the Simple Life: Til Death Do Us Part . Its been reported that the two didnt even look at each other. . Let alone shoot a scene or talk to each other. I guess this isnt an act after all .. . These bitches really are upset with each other.
And I honestly believe this season will be the MOST WATCHED SHOW FOR THE SUMMER . .