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Super Gay!! Super Gay!! I knew someday that some kind of shit like this would hit the internet!! Well, all I have to say is... SUUUPPPPEERRRR GAAAAAAAYYYYYY ASSSSS BEEEOOOOTTCCCHHESSSS!!!! Now, release a best of... bitches!! Yes these pictures are real. 100%

If you may or may not have heard, The Rapper Eve has a sex tape out now and its only for like a minute in a half, but its pretty hardcore. Now, her PR has already said that they are taking legal action to the website that put it out. In fact, the website quickly took it off that same day. Now to the good stuff.... Who's on the tape with Eve? Well its not Sisqo or Omarion of course! Its her ex-boyfriend Stevie J. She's getting "sum" with a dildo that he's navigating for her pleasure as he's pleasuring his self. its really not all that cool. She sits up to moan at the camera and thats the only way you can tell if its her.(including her former blonde baldness)And To all of the gay readers... "There are NO cock shots" . so its no need to download it. :)
I never actually met a guy that liked dancing. In fact, If he did like dancing then he would'nt tell me even on his death bed. But, I'm not the poster child for "100% Mans Man" so I can't call anyone soft. Only but one guy, Omarion. This is one dude you really have to wonder about. He likes dancing, singing and hanging out with the boys . All of the time! Now, I like hanging out with my friends. but...uh.... I dont know.. at least one vagina is in the room and its a 40% chance thats she's a lesbian. But that counts! right? So, I'm calling Omarion the first "Straigay Sexual". he's the type where he seems gay'er than a metro-sexual, but more butch than Rosie O'Donald. take a good look at what i'm talking about...
If you haven't taken a break from your boring lifestyle you may have heard Billy Corgan of The Smashing Pumpkins live on MTV news. No he's not writing another poetry book nor is he releasing a new album. He wants more fucking money!! He's tired of making wack songs to make himself seem "Un-Smashing Pumpkins". So whats a man to do? He's gathering the Prozac popping gang for one more time! Yay........Hopefully fans like myself wont become tricked when we find out its a whole new line up because that asian-fag didn't want to play the guitar again. So, good luck Corgan on kissing major ass to get the originals back together....again. Hey, if this works maybe LFO could have a chance of getting together. Oh thats right, one of them has cancer..........well.........I guess they wont be touring with that group that wrote "if your still my sunshine".
Every year believe it or not Hip Hop Fashion, Music, and Celebs create trends for people like you and I. Of course I always predict the worst and go my own way. But now, I actually might ride this crazy train. Instead of guys dressing like "Hip Hop Skater's" the girls will. Thanks to women like Eve, Gwen Stefani, M.I.A. and Missy E. girls will be rocking high top sneakers with 70's style hot pants with colors from the 1980's;along with Airbrushed wife beater's and "punk style" backpacks all this summer. Now, this isnt a official just my prediction. My little sister(very little) will enter High School for the first time this year. Of course she's unknown, but with me on her side.. she can't go wrong. For the Guys, "supposedly" we are cleaning it up a little bit more. Artist like Kanye West and Jay-Z are sporting Yves Staint Laurent and Hilfiger sunglasses at night; With Crushed velevet blazers and NO DENIM!! Wow you absolutly wont see that in Memphis!! So, I decided to be myself and mix the greatest brand of all time ADIDAS with my line House of Punkerella for this upcoming summer/fall. I also plan on wearing baggy acid wash Girbaud's(I might have to go DIY) with ADIDAS high top sneakers w/ a ADIDAS superstar jacket (80's color of course) and a Punkerella Tee with a Acid wash Giraffe on it.. Dont forget the oversized shades. Thats soooooo Hip Hop 1987!!! Im The King of the Fashion World... if not the Hip Hop Fashion World!!!!
2005 is the year of the remakes. "Dukes of Hazzard" "Bewitched" and "The HoneyMooners". My predictions are that they're gonna sell tickets but not from I. Why not remake "Psycho" with Alan Cumming as Norman Bates and directed by David La Chappelle. What about a remake on Friday the 13th and Quentin Tarantino as the director. How about some fucking flims that the real movie go'ers actually want to see. HollyWood gossip says that for the next few years almost every last vintage american moment will be remaked into film. Can you say a waste of time?? I have a plot for you "Taxi" the Horror Version... Amanda Lepore (Transexual) is now playing Di Nero's role as the crazed taxi driver and Nicole Ritchie is her druggie sidekick/lesbian lover;(totally New York meets Las Vegas Grunge) Marilyn Manson plays a priest and Vin Diesel is a hitman. Now get the same dude that directed "Sin City" and tell that wouldnt be a classic.